1. Fire in the Heart by Deepak Chopra 2. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia 3. Catatan Pinggir 1 dan 2 by Goenawan Mohamad 4. Buddha by anonymous
Semacam Buku Pelajaran (Yang Dibaca Berulang-ulang)
1. Fire in the Heart by Deepak Chopra 2. Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom 3. The Book of Mirdad by Mikhael Naimy 4. Manusia Si Anak Kebudayaan Massa by Bre Redana 5. Supernova 1 dan 2 by Dee
May i have one of your pills?
jadi siapa di mimpinya mbak?
jehehe :D
hihi sama kaya di note facebook ya? :P
Semoga aja yang gak diimpiin juga gak keberatan... :)
@ all : semua mimpinya fullcolor, kok. tapi memang ndak ada pemeran utamnya. ;p
pas banget, itu yang aku butuhkan saat ini. sebuah pil atau mungkin beberapa buah.
mimpiin siapa neh...?
pasti bukan aku..?
hehe salam kenal...
Dalemmmm banget kata-katanya.
I took my pills last night,
then, I slept so deep.
I was sorry, sweetheart,
but, there were no you in my sleep.
This morning
I realized
I took all of my pills last night
Thanks God I`m still alive
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